Wednesday, February 24, 2010


The Ripon College FM radio station, WRPN, just celebrated its 49th anniversary last week on February 15th. The school had previously had an AM station which began broadcasting on September 25th, 1957 and experienced a number of technical problems. These were sorted out over the next few months and the college began broadcasting regularly a few months later on December 2nd. The campaign to acquire FM equipment and establish the FM station was led by William Jochimsen, Class of 1961.

Some of the programs during that initial year may have looked like the following:

Sunday schedule:

12:00-2:00 Noon Musicale w/ Paul Apman

2:00-5:00 A Sunday Afternoon w/ Dick Johnston

5:00-6:00 Off the air

6:00-7:00 Spin Cushion w/ Darryl Johnson and Dick Brian

7:00-9:00 Double Talk w/ Bill & Peter Jochimsen

9:00-10:00 Library of Music w/ Larry Egdahl

10:00-11:00 Jazz Contemporary Style w/ Cam Clapp

11:00-1:00 Invitation w/ Bob Krauss

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Ice skate to class!

For those of you in Ripon or have been in town during the past few months, you may have seen the new ice skating rink adjacent to downtown and the campus. The rink is located on land owned by the college and is managed by community volunteers including Howard and Bear Hansen (no relation to the Speech professor), Brandon Haas and Craig Tebon.
The photo above shows that ice skating is nothing new to campus as two students ca. 1940s skate to class. If you can identify these students, please email me at

Friday, February 5, 2010

Ripon College Speech Department

Pictured above is Prof. Howard Hansen, '37 (far left) leading a Speech class outside of Lane Library. Prof. Hansen taught from 1955-1964 at Ripon College and established the major in Speech, which is now the Communication Department. Ripon has a lengthy tradition of being strong in speech, forensics and debate. During his tenure, Prof. Hansen continued that tradition while serving as coach of the debate team and developed several outstanding teams. At the time of his death in 1964, he was President of the Wisconsin Speech Association.

Ripon College's commitment to excellence in Speech continues n February 9th, when Ripon will be host the 2010 Forum on Ethics and Oratory with keynote speaker Kathryn Olson presenting on Al Gore's documentary, An Inconvenient Truth.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Ripon College Bookstore

Before Barnes & Noble, before was the bookstore. Students shop for books at the beginning of the semester sometime during the late 1960s or 1970s.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Welcome Back!

Many of the faculty are back on campus putting the finishing touches on their syllabi. Students will arrive this weekend. Monday afternoon students will finish registration in the Storzer Athletic Center. Pictured above is registration during the 1970s in the Old Gym, which was located just south of the Commons.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Women's Rifle Team

During the 1940s Ripon had both a men's and women's rifle team. The caption from the 1942 Crimson states: "Because the Ripon College women felt that, due to the war situation, Red Cross work should come first, it was necessary to shift and shorten the women's rifle season. Of the four week period, two weeks were spent studying the parts of the gun and the way in which they should be used as well as sighting and zeroing in the rifles. This left only four practices before the record targets were fired. In spite of this and because of the expert guidance of Captain Steinman, the record firing was well done."
Pictured above is Barbara Elsy.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Ripon College Ski Club ca. 1950

Pictured above are members from the Ripon College Ski Club from around 1950. If you were a member of this club or you can identify any of the individuals in the picture please contact me at